  • Recruit


Company Benefits:

Pay five social insurance and housing fund; Provide free accommodation with 4 people live in a room; Provide air conditioning, wifi, washing machine and free shuffle bus.

Year-end bonus, paid annual leave, holiday welfare, Spring Festival transportation subsidy, external training, annual meeting, summer cooling party, basketball game and other colorful recreational and sports activities



Professional title: CNC vertical lathe

Description of position:
  • Gender: Male
  • Number of people to be recruited: 3
  • Wages: 7000 - 10000
  • Age limitation for work: 1-3 years
  • Age:
  • Educational background: No limit

Professional title: Production reserve cadres

Description of position:
  • Gender: Male
  • Number of people to be recruited: 33
  • Wages: 4500 - 6000
  • Age limitation for work: No limit
  • Age:
  • Educational background: Senior high school
Description of position:
  • Gender: No limit
  • Number of people to be recruited: 11
  • Wages: 5000 - 7000
  • Age limitation for work: 1-3 years
  • Age:
  • Educational background: Senior high school

Professional title: Dimensional inspection

Description of position:
  • Gender: No limit
  • Number of people to be recruited: 32
  • Wages: 4500 - 7000
  • Age limitation for work: 1-3 years
  • Age:
  • Educational background: No limit
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Contact Us

Contact: Mr. Yu

Tel: 0411-39252166

Email: HR- 2@dhforging.com

Bus route: No. 2 Haisheng Street, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone.

Take the light rail to the Development Zone Station in Dalian, then take bus No. 802 (Jinzhou-Dagushan) to Haiqingdao Street, walk back about 20 meters, then turn left at the T-junction and go straight for 300 meters



No. 2, Haisheng street, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone

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